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Ensure Electrical Safety and Compliance with Arc Flash Studies from CP Systems

At Critical Power Systems, we prioritise your safety and operational integrity through comprehensive Arc Flash Studies. Our expert assessments provide vital hazard data, empowering end users with the knowledge needed to handle their electrical equipment safely and effectively.

What is an Arc Flash Study?

An Arc Flash Study, also known as an Arc Flash Hazard Analysis, is a detailed evaluation designed to identify the potential risks associated with electrical equipment. The study assesses the likelihood of an arc flash event. It is a dangerous release of energy caused by an electrical fault. By analysing various factors, including equipment configurations and operating conditions, our study provides critical information to prevent accidents and ensure safe operations.

Why Are Arc Flash Studies Important?

Enhance Safety

Arc flash incidents can result in severe injuries, fatalities, and significant property damage. Our study provides essential hazard data to help you implement effective safety measures, including personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety protocols. It protects your employees from potential arc flash events.

Ensure Compliance

Adhering to industry standards and regulations, such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70E and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), is crucial for maintaining a safe working environment. Our Arc Flash Studies help you meet these requirements and avoid potential legal and financial penalties.

Improve Operational Efficiency

 By understanding the potential hazards and implementing proper safety measures, you can reduce the risk of electrical failures and unplanned outages. This enhances the overall reliability and efficiency of your electrical systems, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.

Protect Your Investment

Regular Arc Flash Studies ensure that your electrical infrastructure is evaluated for potential risks and is operating within safe parameters. This proactive approach helps protect your equipment, extends its lifespan, and avoids costly repairs or replacements.

What We Offer in Our Arc Flash Studies? 

  • Hazard Data Collection

 We meticulously gather detailed information about your electrical systems, including equipment specifications, operating conditions, system configurations, and maintenance history. This comprehensive data collection allows us to accurately assess potential arc flash risks and identify vulnerable areas in your infrastructure.

  • Risk Assessment and Analysis

 Our team of experts thoroughly analyses the collected data to determine the potential severity of an arc flash event. This includes calculating incident energy levels, evaluating potential injury risks, and defining the necessary PPE requirements for safe operation. They are tailored to your specific equipment and conditions.

  • Labeling and Documentation

We provide clear, detailed, and comprehensive labelling for your electrical equipment. This includes warning labels, safety instructions, and hazard communication. We ensure that your staff is fully informed of potential arc flash hazards and the appropriate safety measures required for their protection.

  • Safety Recommendations

Based on our thorough findings, we offer actionable recommendations to mitigate arc flash risks. This includes suggesting necessary changes to equipment, revising safety procedures, and implementing effective protective measures. They enhance safety and minimise potential hazards in your facility.

  • Compliance Assistance

 We support you in ensuring that your facility adheres to all relevant safety standards and regulations. Our assistance helps you maintain compliance with industry requirements, and avoid potential legal issues. We uphold best practices for arc flash safety and electrical system management.


Contact Us Today

At Critical Power Systems, we are committed to providing thorough and accurate Arc Flash Studies to enhance the safety and reliability of your electrical systems. Contact us today to schedule your assessment and take proactive steps to protect your workforce and infrastructure from arc flash hazards. Your safety is our top priority.



1. What is the purpose of an Arc Flash Study?

An Arc Flash Study aims to identify potential risks associated with electrical equipment and to assess the likelihood and severity of an arc flash event. By evaluating factors such as equipment configurations and operating conditions, the study provides critical information needed to implement effective safety measures, protect employees, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

2. How often should Arc Flash Studies be conducted?

Arc Flash Studies should be conducted regularly, typically every 3 to 5 years, or when significant changes occur in your electrical system, such as equipment upgrades or modifications. Regular assessments ensure that the study remains up-to-date with current conditions and safety standards, minimising risks and maintaining compliance.

3. What are the benefits of conducting an Arc Flash Study?

Conducting an Arc Flash Study provides several benefits, including enhanced safety for employees, compliance with industry regulations, improved operational efficiency by reducing electrical failures and unplanned outages, and protection of your investment by extending the lifespan of your equipment and avoiding costly repairs.

4. How does an Arc Flash Study contribute to regulatory compliance?

An Arc Flash Study helps ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, such as the NFPA 70E and OSHA requirements. By identifying potential hazards and implementing proper safety measures, you can avoid legal and financial penalties, maintain a safe working environment, and meet all necessary safety and performance criteria.

5. What should I expect during an Arc Flash Study?

During an Arc Flash Study, our experts will gather detailed information about your electrical systems, including equipment specifications and operating conditions. We will analySe this data to assess potential risks, provide clear labelling and documentation for your equipment, and offer actionable recommendations to mitigate arc flash hazards. The process is thorough and aims to enhance safety, efficiency, and compliance.


28294 Beck Rd.
Wixom, MI 48393

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